Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Holiday Period Tuition

The quiet between the school exam period is here, but Waveney-Tutoring is still open.

Some tutees have decided to take a break over the summer, while others have continued through.

I had a fantastic Facebook page review from a grateful QTS maths tutee who's went on to pass her pre PGCE test. They worked hard and deserved their success.

I've  tutored an adult in the oil industry, keen to know the trigonometry and maths used in planning deep hole drilling.

I have tutored an adult  wanting to return to education, needing Functional Skills maths.

I have continued work with a tutee needing maths to progress in a nursing career.

Yes it's been busy. And now we wait for the maths results for tutee's exams taken in June. Fingers crossed everyone!