Friday, August 19, 2016

Scheduling For New Acedemic Year

With the GCSE maths results day rapidly approaching , and don't forget to let me know how you got on folks, I thought it about time I started scheduling tuition sessions for the new academic year.

Last year was busy, and it doesn't look if this year is going to be any different.

It certainly will be an interesting one, with the GCSE changes that Mr Gove put in place before his imminent demise about to materialise in the new paper structures.

3 papers and not 2.
2 calculator papers and not 1.
Formulae having to be memorised by candidates and not given to them.
New challenging topics on both foundation and higher papers. 
New 1 to 9 level replacement of the familiar G to A star grades.

Many will be daunted by the additional topics being introduced.

For those wishing to seek help, my  advice is to start early.

Confidence boosting and resulting improvements takes time and can not normally be achieved in under 3 months.

Those seeking tutors after January are often disappointed to find those with proven teaching and tutoring experience already booked.

Private tuition works.  Especially when there is a strong desire by the tutee to succeed.

If you are daunted by the changing syllabus, lack confidence but want to improve then please get in touch.

For existing tutees I look forward to working with you post September to make it a successful year for us both. .

Paul Smith